Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Semaine #2/ Week 2


Je m'ennuie de vous tous. Je comprends que nous sommes dans un temps difficile et que nous sommes tous en train de nous ajuster à ce qui se passe. Je pense à vous et à vos familles et je suis ici pour vous. 


I miss you all. I know that we are facing difficult times right now and are adjusting to what is happening. I am thinking of you all and am here for you. 

Here are a few things that I have in the works to help your child continue to learn French at home: 
- Setting up groups (by grade) to have Google Meets 2-3 times a week. I would like to read some books, and introduce Easter & Spring vocabulary. Times & links to come later on this week. 
- Signing your child up on password protected websites on which they can learn and practice: grammar, reading/phonics and listening. 
- Creating a Google Doc in which you will find these links and websites. 
- Sharing documents and PDFs with printable vocabulary words and activities that your child can complete at home. 

Here are some links to things that your child can do without needing a password: 
- Ensemble chez nous! (books read to you) 
- Radio-Canada Kids Zone (games, videos, activities)
- Sa s'amuse (listening activity)

Mme Campbell

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