Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bonjour! et une note importante/ Hello! & an Important Note

Bonjour mes amis de 2e et de 3e année!

J'espère que tout le monde va bien et est en sécurité. Je vais utiliser ce blogue pour vous envoyer des liens pour continuer de pratiquer votre français. Un message en anglais avec plus de détails suivra.

Hello grade 2 & 3 friends!

I hope that everyone is safe and doing well. I will be using this blog to send you links to activities for you to do at home during the next few weeks. I will also be sending your parents an email with other information. Please note that I do not have the password to your school account. I will also be putting files in your Google Drive. Remember that to login to your Google Drive you need to use your email:

For the moment, I have added some songs in the Chansons/Songs section of the blog. You can also take a look at the student links on the blog to practice your grammar, reading or listening skills.

Lastly, could each of you (or your parent) please leave a comment to let me know that you have seen this post?

Should you have any questions, my email address is

Mme Campbell 😊


  1. Thanks Madame Campbell! Hope you are also doing well. :)

  2. Thank you Mme Campbell. We will keep checking your posts. Stay well.

  3. Lily : My mom and I read the post( stay safe we will keep looking out for new posts hope that you are feeling ok i hope that you don't get sick) Good Luck

  4. Hi Ms. Campbell,

    Hope you and your family be well!!!

    Vanessa has seen your messages and will be following you instruction to study French at home... cheers.

  5. Bonjour Mme. Campbell it's Anusha and i i read your post

  6. Thank you Mme Campbell. Aiden and I will keep checking the blog.

    1. Glad to hear from you.:) I will also be putting files or links in Aiden's French folder in Google Drive. Bonjour Aiden!

  7. Thank you Mme Campell, Mason R and family are safe a healthy. Be safe and healthy

  8. Glad to hear from you. :) Bonjour Mason R!

  9. Thank you Mme Campbell, Graciela and I hope you and your loved ones are well. We will be checking in.

    1. Glad to hear from you both by email and on my blog. :) Bonjour Graciela!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I've seen this post. Thanks. Bronson has been having us listen to Kids United songs ;-)

  12. We have seen the post. Jillian will get going on these soon.

  13. Hello Mme, we've seen the post. Better late than never :) Jessica House
